Hi, I’m Kate Whelan – a professional voiceover artist. I’ve been helping businesses and brands deliver their message to their audience for almost 20 years.
I believe good communication is more important than ever before, and so finding the right voice that aligns with your brand is just as important.
PITCH: Mid-deep pitch, playing age 35 – 50.
TONE: Warm, velvety.
ACCENT: neutral/RP (black country on request).
STYLE: Trustworthy, engaging, friendly.
I’ve represented many incredible brands and companies, both large and small, from all over the world. Collaboration is at the heart of everything I do, and I’ve had the pleasure of working on projects right across the board – from commercial to corporate and everything in between.
Hiring a voiceover doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Let’s make the process transparent, easy and in a way that works for you. To find out more about how we can work together click the button below.
Whether it’s listening to commercials for well-known brands, attending a business presentation or company launch, being guided around a major supermarket chain, a museum or at an international airport.
I’m an experienced and trusted professional. My voiceover work covers all genres – from commercials, documentaries, business/corporate presentations, medical narrations, e-learning, awards ceremonies, phone systems, and character work.
I’m known for my warm, reassuring and clear tone which lends itself beautifully to friendly and conversational commercial reads as well as the clear and engaging delivery required for the dynamic corporate arena.
Hiring a voiceover doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
I make the process transparent, easy and in a way that works for you.
1. Send me details of your project – the brief, script, and the deadline
2. I will provide a short test read of the script if required
3. I will record and deliver a broadcast quality, clean audio file in a format of your choice
I provide clear pricing based on your specific project and budget.
My professional studio – along with broadcast quality microphone and recording equipment – means you will receive clean, finished audio.
I understand the importance of meeting deadlines.
I respond to enquiries quickly and can usually deliver your audio files with 24 hours.
If you need a short demo recording I’ll provide you with a sample and quote for your project. Just let me know that you would like a demo when you contact me.
I have been a professional voiceover since 2003 and since then I have provided voiceovers for billion dollar brands, start-up businesses and everything in between. I had a background in broadcasting and acting for many years, (and flew around the world for a while as cabin crew, talking to hundreds of thousands of passengers!) so using the voice and engaging listeners is second nature to me.
Yes. All recordings will be delivered clean and error-free from my professionally equipped recording facility. To hear the sound quality from my voiceover studio click here to listen to my showreels
Not a problem. I will correct any errors I’ve made in the recording free of charge.
Before recording is the time to give me any directional notes you have and the style of read you’re after. You can always request a short demo, to give you an idea of how the voiceover will sound, and from there you can gauge if any adjustments on style, pace etc are needed.
Yes absolutely. I am often working in studios in London or Manchester, so if you or your clients would like me to attend then just let me know. Additional charges may apply depending on the project (and distance of course!)
I can turn around most scripts of up to 2,000 words within 24 hours. When you contact me, if you let me know how long the script is, I can give you an accurate turnaround time.
In short, every project is different and the cost will vary according to length of script, genre, and where/how the voiceover is going to be used. I can assure you that I am always fair and transparent. Contact me to provide me with details of your project and I’ll send over a personalised quote.
I have experience of doing it both ways, but it’s always more straightforward if the voiceover comes before – timing a voiceover to a video that has already been created does incur an additional recording fee.
If you have a project in its early stages, or on a “can we have it yesterday?” deadline, I’m always happy to hear from you. Drop me an email at hello@atrulyenglishvoice.com. If you want to find out more about me then pop over to my social channels using the links below and direct message me from there.